
The post that is linked above will explain this project

I hope you all enjoy this blog that is filled with my favourite memories that I experienced in SmallWorlds.

Do more of what makes you happy.

Saturday 26 August 2017

SmallWorlds Status (26.8.17)

Well I said that there won't be any other inventory updates but I thought it'd be fun to do one occasionally, so here we go.

Sports - Someone You'd Rather Be Dating

Coming Back (26.8.17)

Now, it's been a little bit over 2 years.

Where have I been?
Well, short answer, I grew out of SmallWorlds.

Long answer, when 2015 rolled by, it hit me that I had no friends in real life, and that I needed to bring change in my life.
Whilst the off-world community was lively and fun and friendly, it just didn't have the warmth that I wanted; and it was pretty sad when this realisation reached me.
I'd been ignoring it the whole time I was online. I was just escaping my loneliness through a virtual world in which no one knew who I was and I could be an ideal form of me.

Now, I'm aware that no one has ever discovered this blog and I'm basically talking to myself here, but this is pretty therapeutic.

Now during the time I left SmallWorlds, a lot of things happened.
I met new friends, lost old friends, had a relationship, lost the relationship.
It was a real eye-opener to me as to how amazing it is to live in the moment.

Also during the time I left SmallWorlds, the off-world community that kept me company for a long time has disappeared in time, it was heartbreaking to see this when I came back but I understand that everyone has to leave and grow up someday.

We all change over time and that's okay.

I'm back, but not because I want to escape my reality this time.
Now I come here to enjoy myself, not shut out everything around me.

I'll try to keep this blog alive, but now I have a life outside of this game so I'll be a tad busy.
No more monthly inventory check-ups, just infrequent updates when I feel like it.